South cheshire masonic golf society
Supporting Needy Beneficiaries in Cheshire, North Wales, Shropshire, Staffordshire and Lancashire .
Formed in 1971 by golfing Masons' in Cheshire.
Over 52 years and £300 Thousand Pounds raised, 58 Wheelchairs donated to children and beneficiaries.
Providers of Therapeutic Rehab Machines to the NMC Winsford and Saltney Neuro centres in Cheshire

3 Captains Doug, Les & Mike with Recipient
William with his specialised multi-power energy assist wheels
Happy schooling is now possible for Xander
Father and Son with Wheelchair Specialist
Ron and Kelvin at Aldersey
Peter Alliss Presents SCMGS Chairs

I have been involved with the South Cheshire Masonic Golf Society for over 20 years, and Treasurer for the last 15 years.
Taking the office of Treasurer was not something I aspired to as I have a background in Engineering not finance, but I passionately believe that those of us who are able to, should be helping those who are less fortunate. Over the last 50+ years we have, as a Society, donated many powered wheelchairs to disabled Children and it’s hard to think of anything more worthwhile. In recent times though we have been donating to causes which reach out to larger groups, including Saltney Neuro Centre and the Neuro Muscular Centre in Winsford.
We are not a large Society, and I am proud to be associated with a group of people who raise amazing sums of money by meeting up for a game of Golf.
John Morgan.
Having been a Freemason for over 29 years I have taken part in many fund-raising initiatives.
Being a member of the South Cheshire Masonic Golf Society and seeing what we have achieved in providing specialist wheelchairs and other equipment within our communities has filled me with the most pride and satisfaction. Being able to support this charity and have fun playing Golf along the way is the best of both worlds.
Since its creation this society has raised nearly £295,000.00. Maybe in 2023, we could break through the £300,000.00 barrier. Last year we supported the Neuro Centre in Saltney by providing a new water tank, a safety feature for their Oxygen Chamber. This year we hope to raise £15,000.00 to enable the Neuro Centre to purchase a Therapeutic Trainer with Computer to be installed in their newly built gym. This would service over 120 per month as they combat a variety of muscular related conditions.
I consider it a great honour to be your captain for the 2023 season and look forward to your support over this season. I hope that we can start by raising the profile of this society, encourage more friends, family and brethren who are not members, to join us, initially as guests. Who knows, maybe they may later become members.
Keeping a healthy membership will allow our Secretary, Noel Martin to negotiate better deals with the Golfing venues we wish to play. However, having a healthy membership will not help if the events are under subscribed.
As we look forward to a great season. Keep focused on Charity, Fun and Golf in that order
Best Regards
Karl Williamson

A Donation of over £7000 was made by the SCMGS (South Cheshire Masonic Golf Society) and CFC (Cheshire Freemasons' Charity) To purchase and install a deluge tank for the Neuro Centre Hyperbaric facility
Pictured from left to right:
Harry Wright (CFC Charity Steward).
Noel Martin SCMGS Secretary.
Kevin Ratcliffe (Everton and Wales Captain) Saltney Neuro Centre Patron.

I am 74 years old, and live in Rossett, near Wrexham.
I was born in Chester and attended Chester City Grammar School, until 1968 at the age of 18, when I was indentured to Shell Tankers UK Ltd as a deck apprentice.
I continued at sea in the Merchant Navy until 1993, working for Mobil Shipping Co. Ltd., when I was offered a shore position in Fairfax, Virginia.
In 1994, the family transferred to Singapore, where we lived for two years before returning to the US for a further 12 months.
At the end of that assignment the family returned to the UK, and settled in Basingstoke, which was a reasonable commute to the head office in London.
In 2000, Mobil was taken over by Exxon, and for a brief time I worked in HR, before being assigned to Qatar as Shipping Manager. I stayed there as ‘married unaccompanied’ for 10 years, eventually retiring in 2011.
Since then, I have tried to improve my golf, which still suffers from a lack of talent, but enjoyable nevertheless.
I am looking forward to being the Captain for this year, and let’s all hope for good health and good weather.
Karl Williamson
Martin Rowland
John Morgan
“If everything comes from within, everyone should get equal access to help, information and opportunities.”

Together we strive to make achievements
Our success as a golf society and as fundraisers has always been based on our belief in the value of people. We believe we can help to overcome disabilities and that the most innovative technology can and should be applied to needy people, and we believe that we can do just that.
Our long-term vision is this: to help every person we can to have an equal opportunity, feel more secure and motivated, be better informed, involved and happier.
We know it is a process. We think we are on the right track, if we do the right things, we will make it and provide as many benefits as we can.
Our golf society has achieved success in fundraising by placing great value on people and their potential. We are committed to helping overcome disabilities through innovative technology that is accessible to those in need. Our long-term vision is to empower every individual to have equal opportunities, fostering a sense of security, motivation, and happiness. We understand that this is an ongoing journey, requiring perseverance and dedication. By staying focused on our mission and taking the right steps forward, we believe we can make a significant impact and provide meaningful benefits to those we serve. Together, we can create a brighter future for all, ensuring that everyone has the chance to thrive.

Fundraising Charity Band
The Burton Ukulele Band was formed around 2010 following a ukulele course at Burton Manor College and has since evolved in various forms. With a repertoire primarily consisting of beloved tunes from the 1950s to the 1970s, the band covers iconic artists such as Buddy Holly and The Beatles.
They actively encourage audience participation by providing songbooks, inviting everyone to join in on the fun. A significant aspect of their performance is their commitment to giving back—any donations collected during gigs are directed towards supporting local charities. For those interested in booking the band, detailed information can be found on their info page. The Burton Ukulele Band continues to spread joy through music while fostering a sense of community.

A donation from the Lodge of Independence of one thousand two hundred and fifty pounds to the SCMGS October 2024 is very gratefully received by SCMGS Secretary and Treasurer from the Worshipful Master and Lodge members
Provincial 'Ted Barker Trophy day raised £2750 towards this specialised adaptive wheelchair buggy

Being presented with this wheelchair has helped Imogen to become more independent, Receiving this specialised multi-terrain wheelchair has significantly enhanced Imogen's independence, allowing her to enjoy outdoor activities more freely. With the help of the SCMGS, she can now readily venture out for 'walkies' in various environments, from parks to rugged trails. This newfound mobility empowers her to explore the world around her, participate in family outings, and connect with nature in ways that were previously challenging. The practical design of the wheelchair not only accommodates her needs but also encourages her active participation in life’s adventures. Imogen’s spirit of exploration has blossomed, proving that the right support can make a transformative difference in someone’s life.

Members of Loyal City Lodge donate £150...

South Cheshire Masonic Golf Society Members from 2006
The South Cheshire Masonic Golf Society has been making a meaningful impact since its formation in 1971 by raising funds to provide powered wheelchairs and other supportive aids for children in need. Through a variety of golf tournaments and fundraising events, this dedicated society brings together members who share a common goal of enhancing the lives of young ones facing mobility challenges. The commitment of the society not only reflects the spirit of camaraderie among its members but also highlights the importance of community support for those who require assistance. Over the years, the contribution of the South Cheshire Masonic Golf Society has transformed numerous lives, enabling children to gain mobility and independence, thereby fostering a sense of belonging and dignity. Their ongoing efforts continue to inspire others to join in the mission of supporting vulnerable children in their communities.

Hardy golfers
At a recent event at Eastham Lodge Golf Course, dedicated golfers gathered in good spirits, eager to enjoy their meal despite the heavy rain that fell throughout the day. The camaraderie among the participants was evident, as they shared laughs and stories while awaiting their dinner. Not only did the event provide a delightful experience for the attendees, but it also raised over two hundred and fifty pounds for a worthy cause. The weather may have been dreary, but the enthusiasm and determination of the society golfers shone brightly, reminding everyone that the joy of the game and the bonds formed on the course can overcome any obstacle, even a downpour.
Eastham GC. 24th April from 12.00pm
Old Padeswood Golf Club 22nd May from 12.30pm
19th June TBC from 12.00pm
Northop Golf Club 17th or 24th July 12.00 pm.
Heyrose Golf Club 22nd August from 9.30 am till 14.30pm.
Old Padeswood 11th September 12.00 pm
Juniors may join play on specific dates.
Cheshire Provincial 'Ted Barker Trophy' & Mark Provinces Trophy 22nd August 2025

2018 Captain
Rod McClelland.
Charity sees the need, not the cause.

Keen Hall, Kean has muscular dystrophy from birth.
Likes swimming, x box, Shrewsbury town FC and loves Manchester United FC.
Really sociable young man loves going out with friends but gets really tired quickly so has to be pushed.
This chair with the power wheels to assist his movement would make a huge difference to his life as well as the parents and siblings.
Vicky, his mother was provided a powered wheelchair to promote Keen's independence when he goes to the secondary school.
He will be able to access the school campus without getting tired which will enable him to learn his subjects far more effectively. He will also be able to keep up with his piers which will promote his social skills and also be able to go to places independently to getting ready for adult life.
Out of school it will give Kean his independence so that he doesn't have to rely on his mum to push him around and when out playing with his friends he won't need to rely on anyone he will be able to do it himself.
As Kean is getting older this is becoming more and more important to himself that he is as independent as he can be and he doesn't want to rely on others to do things for him.
As a mother you want your child to do all of the things children and young adults can do, to be able to live life to the fullest they possibly can. This chair will help Kean so much, he will no longer have a bad back, he will be less tired, be able to join in play and some areas of sports, socialise independently, something he has not been able to do.
Kean by being less tired and even more, less in pain, will be able to improve his school grades which in turn provide more chances for his future. Kean can apply his skills as he grows and becomes a valuable member of the community.
Home life will improve with Kean being in a better and happier mood. As a parent, it will also help free up time which can be spent in more caring moments for fun and laughter with my boy. Kean will be able to have a social life and enjoy friends he struggles to have due to the lack of mobility. Being independent allows Kean to learn more, he is an inquisitive boy.
Life for him will be so different as his attitude improves along with his independence.
Have some questions?
What meals will be served at events?
A morning breakfast bap or breakfast plus a two course dinner
What services are available for special needs and requests?
As part of the general area health plan, dietary meals can be met.
Buggy's can be arranged for golfing
How do I prove my handicap certificate?
Your golf club will provide a handicap certificate. If you are not a golf club member, the SCMGS will provide you a society playing handicap after three rounds.
Golfing insurance is also provided for an annual fee.
Where can I stay?
If travelling from far, make a night of it at a local hostelry
What should I wear?
Choose the most comfortable clothes and shoes to suit the temperature.
Etiquette on the course and in the clubhouse must be followed.
What happens if there is a schedule change?
Of course, firstly we will inform you with an email or text and give all the changed details.